Webinar: School Wellness Policy
Guest Speaker: Michael Danzik, MPH, RD, Nutrition Education Consultant | Nutrition Services Division, California Department of Education
Mike Danzik is a Nutrition Education Consultant (NEC) for the California Department of Education (CDE). His previous responsibilities included state-wide school meal marketing efforts, as well as training on the National School Lunch and School Breakfast requirements. Mr. Danzik is the subject matter expert for state and federal competitive food and beverage rules and access to free water in school requirements. Along with Heather Reed, he contributes to state-wide efforts for Local School Wellness Policy implementation. Mike holds a Master's in Public Health Nutrition and is a Registered Dietitian.
The presentation will provide an orientation to local school wellness policy (LSWP) including updates at the federal and state levels. Additionally, it will explore key roles that Champion Provider Fellows can play in LWSP efforts.
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will articulate the purpose and benefits of local school wellness policies (LSWP).
2. Participants will describe the requirements of the LSWP.
3. Participants will determine action steps for school district LSWP involvement.