What is the Champion Provider Fellowship?
The Champion Provider Fellowship harnesses the passion of healthcare providers to improve the health of their communities beyond the clinic setting. The California Department of Public Health and the University of California, San Francisco launched the program in 2014 to empower, train and support healthcare providers to use their expertise and respected voices to improve the health of communities through local policy, systems and environmental changes.
How does the Champion Provider Fellowship work?
The Champion Provider Fellowship provides training and education on a wide variety of health care subjects including: healthy food and beverage standards, school wellness, food security, structured physical activity and safe routes to school. Providers also learn invaluable skills like crafting compelling messages, working with the media and writing for change. Providers are connected with their local health departments to work collaboratively with community change leaders, community-based organizations, schools, faith-based organizations and others to find local solutions to obesity and related chronic diseases. In addition, we provide ongoing technical assistance and support for providers and facilitation of a supportive network of like-minded physicians and dentists committed to improving health in their communities.
How can providers help change communities?
- Provide pertinent health information to city commissions
- Counsel school districts on implementing wellness policies
- Encourage workplace wellness programs such as ParkRx and other physical activity initiatives
- Promote the importance of Safe Routes to Schools
- Establish policies to screen for food insecurity during pediatric patient visits
- Support healthy retail store conversions
- Serve as a reliable resource on health for the media
Learn more about the Champion Provider Fellowship