Research shows that school features—including the types of foods and beverages available, marketing of those foods and beverages, availability of and access to physical education,and design of outdoor activity areas—affect students’ diets, exercise, academic performance, and behavior. In the context of the Champion Provider Fellowship program, school wellness refers to efforts to improve a school’s food or physical activity environment over and above changes required by federal law.

On this page, you will find information and resources to support policy, system and environmental changes designed to create healthier school environments. We havealsohighlighted Champion Provider Fellows that are currently engaged in School Wellness work. And finally, we have provideda stepwise toolkitintended for health care providers (and their local health department partners), outlining ways in which they can begin to engage in school wellnesseffortsin their local communities.

Dr. Tristan - Imperial County

Champion Provider Fellow Dr. Luz Tristan, a compassionate pediatrician, is working with her local health department in Imperial County to combat obesity.

School Wellness Policy

School Wellness Policy icon
