Sharon DiPierro, MD

San Mateo
Ravenswood Family Health Center
2017 Cohort

As a primary care pediatrician, Dr. DiPierro is devoted to community health and addressing the upstream causes of childhood obesity, prediabetes, and dyslipidemia. Since 2013 she has worked at Ravenswood Family Health Center (RFHC), an FQHC that serves mostly Latino and Tongan immigrants in East Palo Alto. Dr. DiPierro is eager to connect with the community in the same way she had during medical school at Brown University, and subsequent residency training at UC Davis. Time and again, the parents of Dr. DiPierro’s patients at RFHC have told her that school lunches are unhealthy, and that it’s not safe for children to play outside. Dr. DiPierro believes that community partnerships are crucial to implementing systemic change, including changing school lunch policies and making the built environment amenable to physical exercise. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, Dr. DiPierro teaches pediatric residents as an Adjunct Clinical Instructor at Stanford University.

Focus Area: 
Food Security
Structured Physical Activity