Laurie Bostick Cammon, MD

Bostick Cammon
Santa Clara
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC)
2019 Cohort

Dr. Laurie Bostick Cammon is a pediatrician who has been practice for the past 19 years, serving underserved communities. Prior to her practice at the Pediatric Healthy Lifestyles Clinic (PHLC) and Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC), Dr. Bostick Cammon served as Medical Director of the Alameda County Juvenile Hall and Kerry's Kids Mobile Health Clinic. Over the past couple of years, she has worked with a number of community-based organizations such as Second Harvest, Cal-Fresh and Veggielution (a local, non-profit community farm), to help develop collaborations to address food security. Additionally, she has worked extensively with Santa Clara County Public Health Department, Parks and Recreation Department, and Open Space Authority to implement the Park and Play Initiative and a Park Prescription (ParkRx) program. Thourgh this collaboration, they have been able to connect patients from the PHLC, with community parks with the intent of increasing their comfort in utilizing parks on an ongoing basis and overall physical activity.

Focus Area: 
Structured Physical Activity
2021-2023 Mentor